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Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)

Atlantic Immigration Pilot program is a fast-track process to hire foreign nationals for skilled jobs in four Atlantic provinces of Canada- Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.

Initiated in 2017, the provincial government partnered with the federal government through Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, which aims to attract more than 7,000 newcomers in these 4 provinces by 2021.


The Atlantic Immigration Pilot program welcomes the foreign nationals to fill the work needs of local employers in Atlantic Canada. It aims to support population growth, develop a skilled workforce, and increase employment ratio in the province by retaining global talents.
 The pilot program is taken into account focusing on the five priority areas for the growth of Atlantic province-


The Pilot program is an employer-driven pathway to hire workers from abroad. Therefore, applicants from abroad must arrive here with a job offer from a designated Canadian Employer. Having an individualized settlement plan for themselves follows next for the applicants.

Once Canadian employers find a suitable candidate for their requirements, they can send him/her a job offer. They don’t need to apply for the process of Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to provide a job.

It is the responsibility of the employer to connect the candidates, once he/she accepts the job, with the designated settlement service provider. Such providers can facilitate in creating the settlement plan for the candidates. Employers are also bound to support the long-term integration of newcomers and their families so that they can establish themselves according to their settlement ideas in Canada.

If vacancies are to be filled quickly, a temporary work permit needs to be granted to the candidate by an employer. To obtain the permit, candidates must have-


Canadian employers of the Atlantic province must meet some requirements in order to be designated to hire foreign talents under the pilot programs.

Candidate requirements

The pilot program hires candidates under the following programs-



The requirement of work experience, educational qualifications, and job offer will vary in the above two cases, whereas all other conditions will be the same for both the categories.

Here is the table showing requirements.-

Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP)

Atlantic High-Skilled Program (AHSP)

Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)


The Atlantic province has been running the Provincial nominee programs (PNPs) actively to welcome the immigration of skilled workers, Canadian graduates, businessmen, and entrepreneurs.
Since 2015, Each Atlantic province has its one PNP stream aligned with the Express entry system of the Canadian federal government nominating candidates the eligibility to immigrate through these streams.
Currently, the Atlantic PNP options are as follows:

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