Sun Waves Immigration

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Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program: Employer Designation

Employers intending to hire foreign workers through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) must receive the employer designation for hiring.

The Atlantic immigration pilot program is an immigration stream, introduced in 2017, to allow skilled workers and international graduates to obtain a permanent residence in Atlantic Canada. The program is employer-driven; therefore, obtaining a job offer is essential. The four provinces in the Atlantic region are –

Each of the provinces has its own conditions to provide designation to the employers. They do not need to undergo the LMIA process. However, they need to link up their hired foreign workers to settlement providers to facilitate their living in Canada.

Employers in Nova Scotia need to be approved for being designated and then endorsed by the province.
For designation, an employer must-

For endorsement, an employer must:

The employer must:

Employers in New Brunswick must meet the following designation requirements:

The designation process is mandatory for employers to be sure of the following conditions –

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